Contact Us

I am always curious to hear about pain-points, and difficulties people are having with SQL Server so I can help guide them to a good solution.  If this is you, I would be interested in talking with you.

My areas of experience include performance tuning, high availability, development, data design, and remote database services. I am the founder and CEO of Procure SQL. We would love to provide professional solutions to your SQL Server problems.

6 responses to “Contact Us

  1. Pingback: SQL Server Performance Tuning with Free Tools |

  2. Pingback: Get A Free SQL Server 2014 Book! | SQL Server Consulting

  3. Pingback: Get A Free SQL Server 2014 Book! - SQL Server - SQL Server - Toad World

  4. Pingback: Calculating DTU in Azure SQL Database | SQL Server Consulting

  5. Pingback: Azure SQL Database Live Migrations with No Downtime | SQL Server Consulting

  6. Pingback: SQL Server Automatic Tuning in the Real-World | SQL Server Consulting & Remote DBA Service

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