Microsoft is coming to Wheeling AITP Meeting

This month’s meeting of the Greater Wheeling Chapter of AITP  is titled Virtualization with Hyper-V and will be held at The White Palace in Wheeling Park on Wednesday, February 11, 2009.   


Ian Lindsay will present Virtualization with Hyper-V.  Ian is a Account Technology Specialist with the Microsoft Corporation located in Pittsburgh, PA.


Virtualization with Hyper-V presented by Microsoft.  How does virtualization fit into Microsoft?  What is the virtualization capability with Windows Server 2008?  Through this meeting you will be able to understand licensing for virtualization and also determine what investments and resources are needed.  Ian will also welcome questions and answers through the session. 


Ian had been in the IT industry for over 20 years, with the last nine (plus) spent at Microsoft Corporation.  As an Account Technology Specialist, Ian is responsible for providing solutions and architectural guidance to core healthcare and financial services customers in Microsoft’s Pittsburgh Account group.  Ian’s experiences range from software development on UNIX to designing enterprise network infrastructures using the latest technologies.  Prior to joining Microsoft, Ian was Operations Manager with Actium Corporation (now Idea Integration).  He was responsible for the Actium network infrastructure, as well as running the Actium Training organization and providing training on all of Microsoft’s BackOffice products. 


Social hour will start at 5:30.  Dinner will be at 6:15.  Meeting/presentation will follow dinner.  Cost for the evening is $18.00 for AITP members, $10.00 for AITP student members, and $23.00 for guests, which includes a buffet dinner at Wheeling Park.

Please reply to this e-mail message or e-mail Karen at, or go to the Greater Wheeling Chapter’s website at  to make reservations.  Reservations are essential to ensure there is sufficient food and seating available for our group.  Please respond early to give the restaurant ample time to prepare.  No shows will be billed for the reserved meal. 


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