Hello everyone out there on the intertubes. In my life I have learned that I can save a lot of time and energy by
utilizing checklists. The same is true with being a DBA. I manage over 100 instances of SQL Server. When my career started as a production DBA my head was spinning trying to track down failed jobs, missing backups and more on a daily basis. It could be done but it took quite a while and was a manual task. I needed to find a way to automate this process. This is where Policy-Based Management and Central Management Server comes in. Now, I can sleep at night and just review my evaluated daily checklist first thing in the morning.
UPDATE [3/7/2011] : I added SQL Agent Notifications and Alerts as recommended in the comments. If you think an option is missing leave a comment and I will add it.
Help me Help you…
Just like Jerry Maguire I need your help. I am speaking about Policy-Based Management and Central Management Server at the first annual SQLRally. I need your input to help my presentation. I have two quick questions. It shouldn’t take you more than two minutes to complete the questions. I appreciate your help and support.
[Note: Please make sure to click on the vote button for each question.]
9 responses to “What items are in your SQL Server Daily Checklist?”