Tag Archives: Events

24 Hours of PASS – Get your free downloads!

I am speaking at 24 Hours of PASS

I am speaking at 24 Hours of PASS

Thank you to everyone who attended my #24HOP session on Performance Tuning for Pirates! You can now download my slide deck, t-sql queries, and view my reference links.  If you have any questions about the tools presented feel free to contact me and I will  try to help you out or point you in the right direction.


AITP Tours the Center of Educational Technology

This month’s meeting of the Greater Wheeling Chapter of AITP is tour of the Center for Educational Technologies. It will start at the CET office located on the WJU campus at 316 Washington Ave. Wheeling, WV 26003-6243 on Wednesday, April 8th 2009. The meeting will include a presentation of video conferencing and a tour of CET given by Dr. Bruce Howard.

Social hour will start at 5:30 P.M. We will meet in the CET lobby on the third floor.  The tour and presentation will start at 6:00 P.M.  Dinner will follow at 7:15 P.M and it will be held at the White Palace in Wheeling Park.  Dinner will be followed by a tech session on IE 8 presented by Chuck Hill.
Cost for the evening is $18.00 for AITP members, $10.00 for AITP student members, and $23.00 for guests.  To RSVP please email kkovacs@dwc.org.  If you have any questions or need help with directions please call John at 304-780-8532.

Driving Directions:
The Center for Educational Technologies® is located on the campus of Wheeling Jesuit University in Wheeling, WV. To reach the center, take exit 2B off I-70 in Wheeling
If you’re coming from the West, turn left at the end of the exit ramp and follow Washington Ave., bearing right at the end of the bridge. If you’re coming from the East, turn right onto Washington Ave. From either direction, then, the entrance to the campus is on the left. The center is the first building to the left off the main campus drive. Parking is available in the rear of the building.
