Pittsburgh SQL User Group is Back!

It was an honor to be the first presenter for the reboot of the Pittsburgh SQL Server User Group on Tuesday.  I gave a sneak peek into my SQL Rally presentation, “Evaluate your daily checklist against 100+ servers while you get a cup of coffee.” I knew it was a success when I got home and saw the following tweet.

This tweet is purely SQLWinning

This tweet is purely SQLWinning

If you attended the session feel free to download the slide deck and check out my reference material.

Question and Answers

I get a kick out of helping people solve problems. If I don’t know the answer this gives me the opportunity to learn something new. Here are a few questions that were asked during my session. I didn’t have the answers of the top of my head so I am including them in this post.

Q: “How can I automate the process of shrinking a T-Log?”

A: First I highly recommend reviewing your backup and recovery plan. Frequent backups of the transactional log is key to free up your VLF’s. If there isn’t a free VLF available the log grows. With that said, if you just want to automate the process of shrinking T-Logs check out Jeremiha Peschka’s script

Q: “How do I run a T-SQL script against all databases on a single instance?”

A: First, I was thinking about doing a simple loop in PowerShell to execute the T-SQL (see Aaron Nelson’s second script) but then I remembered an undocumented stored procedure. The undocumented stored procedure is sp_msforeachdb. Both options should work.


Below is a few photos taken before I started the presentation.

Right side say, "cheese"

Right side say, "cheese"

Left side say, "gouda"

Left side say, "gouda"

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