It was an honor to be the first presenter for the reboot of the Pittsburgh SQL Server User Group on Tuesday. I gave a sneak peek into my SQL Rally presentation, “Evaluate your daily checklist against 100+ servers while you get a cup of coffee.” I knew it was a success when I got home and saw the following tweet.
If you attended the session feel free to download the slide deck and check out my reference material.
Question and Answers
I get a kick out of helping people solve problems. If I don’t know the answer this gives me the opportunity to learn something new. Here are a few questions that were asked during my session. I didn’t have the answers of the top of my head so I am including them in this post.
Q: “How can I automate the process of shrinking a T-Log?”
A: First I highly recommend reviewing your backup and recovery plan. Frequent backups of the transactional log is key to free up your VLF’s. If there isn’t a free VLF available the log grows. With that said, if you just want to automate the process of shrinking T-Logs check out Jeremiha Peschka’s script
Q: “How do I run a T-SQL script against all databases on a single instance?”
A: First, I was thinking about doing a simple loop in PowerShell to execute the T-SQL (see Aaron Nelson’s second script) but then I remembered an undocumented stored procedure. The undocumented stored procedure is sp_msforeachdb. Both options should work.
Below is a few photos taken before I started the presentation.